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Fulton County, IL



Fulton County, Illinois Genealogy project is a free genealogical site about the people and history of this county.

We are a part of the ILGenWeb Project which is also a member of the USGenWeb Project. You can click on the logos at the top to be taken to these websites.

We hope you find helpful clues for your research of ancestors and relatives of Fulton county.

Fulton County was created in 1823 from land that was once part of Pike County. It was named for Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat. It was a gateway point for settlers spreading out across the northern portion of Illinois. Our history is filled with interesting events and individuals that are still remembered today and celebrated.

1879 History of Fulton County Illinois

Fulton County Courthouse
100 N. Main St.
Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone: 309-547-3041
Website: Fulton County Government Website

Please consider contributing your pieces of Fulton county family history. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. Our combined efforts can make this a great site for all who visit!

Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Web sites go away and website addresses change. Please contact me if you find a broken link on Fulton county web pages.

The Current Fulton County Coordinator is:
Bruce Weirauch

Thanks to our past County Coordinators for all the hard work they put into creating and maintaining this website with help from volunteers who so generously contributed information, documents and photos.

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For corrections or additions, please contact me: Bruce Weirauch

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